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We understand that running a business means facing daily challenges in personnel management, tax filing, and adapting to regulatory changes.
That is why we have created an alert portal where you can sign up to receive information and updates on:
  • Notices about new grants and filing deadlines.
  • Information on possible regulatory changes.
  • Relevant information affecting business management.
We are committed to optimizing the activity of companies needing new results with the same resources.
The end of the 'Golden Visa'
The end of the ‘Golden Visa’ in Spain. How can it affect?

The Spanish government has announced a significant decision that directly impacts the foreign property investment landscape in Spain: the end of the ‘Golden Visa’ programme. The golden visa programme allowd foreigners who made an investment of at least 500.000 euros to reside and work in Spain for a period of time of three years, with

Corporate income tax instalments in spain
Corporate income tax instalments in spain

Corporate Income Tax is crucial in the fiscal management of companies in Spain. It is a fundamental tax that is levied on the profits obtained by companies and other legal entities in this country. Given that the deadline for submitting the instalments for this tax is the 22nd of April, in this alert we will

Salary register
The salary register: guaranteeing equal pay

The remuneration register in Spain is a mandatory document in where companies must reflect the average values of salaries, allowances and fringe benefits of their staff. This breakdown must be made by sex and professional category, following the guidelines established by Law 3/2007. Who must keep the salary register? All companies in accordance with article

Form 720. Declarations of assets abroad for residents in Spain
Declarations of assets abroad for residents in Spain

In the complex international tax landscape, Form 720 is a mandatory informative declaration for tax residents in Spain who own assets abroad and meet certain requirements. This declaration requires detailed disclosure of assets such as bank accounts, investments and properties outside the country. Who must submit Form 720 in Spain? On the one hand, the

¿Qué ocurre con la subida del SMI en los CEE?
¿Cómo puede afectar la subida del SMI a los CEE?

La subida del salario mínimo interprofesional puede afectar la gestión laboral de determinadas empresas, entre las cuales se encuentran los Centros Especiales de Empleo. Especialmente, al incrementar los costes laborales. Entonces, ¿Cómo puede afectar la subida del SMI a los CEE? Impacto de la Subida del SMI en los CEE La subida progresiva del SMI ha generado

Consequences of failing to file annual accounts with the Commercial Registry

Do you know the sanctions for not filing your annual accounts with the Commercial Register? Many companies often often forget about this crucial step, possibly due to inactivity, even though they are officially registered. However, this submission is mandatory and must be made within 1 month period following its approval by the General Meeting of

Non-financial information status report

Knowing and complying with the Non-Financial Disclosure Statement (NFS) is essential for companies committed to transparency and social responsibility. Because of this, Leialta will share with you some key details to ensure compliance with the NFS in Spain. What is the NFS, and who is obliged to submit it? The Statement of Non-Financial Information (EINF in

It is now compulsory to register trainees with the Social Security system

With the enforcement of Royal Decree-Law 2/2023, March 16th, on 1st of January 2024, Spain has witnessed substantial changes in the regulation of Social Security for students engaged in external training or academic internships. These modifications, applicable to paid and unpaid internships, signify a paradigm shift in Spain. Within this dynamic landscape, it becomes imperative

How can you reduce your Business Tax?

Suppose your company is taxed by the Economic Activities Tax (EAT), and you have reduced your activity. In that case, it is necessary to check whether the amount of this tax can be reduced. For example, if you have sold machinery or changed premises for a lower amount, this will affect the calculation of the

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