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The salary register: guaranteeing equal pay

Salary register

The remuneration register in Spain is a mandatory document in where companies must reflect the average values of salaries, allowances and fringe benefits of their staff. This breakdown must be made by sex and professional category, following the guidelines established by Law 3/2007.

Who must keep the salary register?

All companies in accordance with article 28.2 of the Workers’ Statute in Spain, regardless of their size, are obliged to keep a salary register of their staff. This includes all staff.

The regulation establishes that this register must be annual unless there is a substantial modification of the elements that make up the register, in which case it must be carried out again.

What should be the content of the salary register?

The salary register should include the average values of salaries, allowances and non-wage payments broken down by gender and distributed by occupational group or category. In addition, it is crucial to justify any wage differentials of more than 25% between workers of different sexes.

Are there consequences for non-compliance?

Failure to comply with these obligations in Spain can lead to legal consequences and sanctions for companies. These repercussions can be significant and range from financial fines to the impossibility of contracting with public entities. Therefore, it is once again essential that companies comply with all established regulations to avoid such situations.

Sanctions for non-compliance with wage registration for a company can include proportional financial sanctions of 2% of the turnover corresponding to the last financial year, with a minimum of 20,000 euros and a maximum of 600,000 euros. In addition, non-compliance with the wage register may result in the closure of the register, which implies the prohibition of access to the registration in the Commercial Register of registrable documents referring to the company for as long as the non-compliance persists. Furthermore, access to the salary register by employees is guaranteed through the legal representation of the employees in the company.

How to ensure compliance with the salary register?

It is essential to have a reliable labour and employment provider. Apart from this aspect, collective negotiation has an important role in shaping a company’s pay structure. It allows negotiators to establish incentive pays according to various circumstances, proviging more flexibility to both parties in order to agree on remuneration aspects that fit the needs of the organisation and the employees.

On the whole, wage registration is not only a legal obligation, but also a tool to ensure equal pay and compliance with labour regulations in all companies. If you have any doubts about how to exercise it in your company, we will be happy to help you.

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